Happy Friday 13th!
Not my favourite day, I must admit, being the superstitious old fool that I am. So far, touch wood, I've managed to avoid calamity (although I do feel as if I've now jinxed myself- there's still a few hours of this terrible day left). That's in spite of seeing magpies, a black cat and passing someone on the stairs! Maybe it's the special "confusing demons" charm I taught to a colleague today...I follow so many, and have done for so long, that I barely notice them now. It was interesting, when writing Superstition, to actually examine objectively the bizarre rituals I believe keep me safe and lucky. I did exaggerate some for Laura's character, but I also left quite a few more out completely, as they were just too weird!
Anyway, on the most superstition-riddled day, what else can I write about for my Friday Five than the five superstitions I follow most closely and would never dare break? Welcome to my strange little world...