Happy Sunday!
The sun is shining, I can hear lawnmowers and children playing in the gardens behind my house (though not together, I hope) and my laptop is fixed. Huzzahs all round!
But that's not why I'm writing today. In fact, I'm not sure why I'm writing today. Maybe it's because I've pretty much finished writing The Hungry-Man, but am still surgically attached to my laptop (which, thanks to the wizzards, now has internets again). So, prepare for a ramble while my butterfly-brain decelerates from the epic race that is writing a novel.
I'm on my holibobs this week, and next week too but, before any whinging about teachers and their long holidays, I'll just mention that I'll have worked five days of my two-week break by the time I return to school. But, on the other days, I've been busy having fun- and intend to have a lot more over the next week as I gear up to my last year of being in my early thirties.
Yes, it's my birthday next week! (And I'm hoping that The Hungry-Man will be ready for release on the 21st, major disasters notwithstanding). I'm still waiting to be a proper grown-up that has dinner parties and is organised and brushes her hair every day and washes up regularly... I thought it would happen at 30, but maybe it's 40 instead. I'm off to London to see The Woman in Black and Stomp: two shows that I've been promising myself for years. In fact, I think they were on my list of "Things to do before I'm 30" but, as you know, I am a procrastinator. I'm avoiding mowing the lawn right now, actually.

This is proper grown-up Lego too, even if it does say it's suitable for teenagers... I don't know many teenagers who could afford it nowadays. When I was a kid, I had a huge box that must be worth hundreds of pounds now- if I knew where it was.

Such fun! Right, I think I'm ready for a cup of tea now, and maybe a quick game of Candy Crush before I get the mower out. On seconds thoughts, I'm sure the sky is clouding over... maybe I should mow the lawn tomorrow? I really do need to tidy the shoe cupboard. And I'm at a really good bit in the book I'm reading. That settles it- a cup of tea and a book it is! Enjoy your Sunday, whatever you're doing.
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