
Friday 21 December 2012

It's the End of the World as we know it...

... and I feel fine. 

I think people have got the Mayans all wrong. However, never one to miss an opportunity, I'm giving you all a (last) chance to download Late: a ghostly tale for FREE. Might as well enjoy our last few hours on Earth.

Click on the link on the right-hand side of the page (the one with the gorgeous new cover- even if you download it again, it'll update so you get this version) to be zapped straight to the Amazon page. Remember, you don't need a Kindle to read it- free apps are available on smartphones and even on your PC. No excuses then. I recommend you enjoy my offering in front of a roaring log fire with something alcoholic in your glass...preferably chilled... (see what I did there?)

See you on the other side. Or at Tesco. Whatever.

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Stamp- part four

Well, hello! This is becoming a bit of a regular thing, isn't it? I'm not complaining- I quite like getting stopped on the street to be grilled about Cassie's disappearing act and Ben's mysterious stamp. Makes me feel needed. 

Here's the next installment of Stamp for your perusal. Let me know if you get bored and I'll stop posting them. Alternatively, beg me for more and I'll happily oblige. Enjoy x

Friday 14 December 2012

Friday Five- Things to do before the End of the World

As you know, I'm a huge believer in living in the moment and grabbing opportunities. I already live my life as if time is running out, so I thought it would be fun to invite you to join me in a pseudo-panic as the clock counts down to the (apparent) End of the World. 

Here are my top five things to do this week.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

By popular request- Stamp part three

Tuesday already! Doesn't time fly? Especially when Christmas is racing towards us and I haven't started my shopping... Hey ho. I am well-skilled in the subtle arts of procrastination, so I'm not worried yet. People love presents from garage forecourts, right? Oh. Maybe I'd better get on with it.

Anyway, I've been a bit preoccupied with editing the first of five (possibly) short stories for my new collection- no book title yet- suggestions appreciated- and I've been getting requests from people who are dying to know what happens next between Ben and Cassie. Who is she? Where did she come from? Is this love? Or something else? I've caved, so here is a bit more. Let me know what you think.

Friday 7 December 2012

Friday Five- Reasons why we love our dogs

A bit of a sad one today...

Two days ago, the much-loved and esteemed leader of the Border terrier posse on Twitter, @marleyterrier, died. He was a dog, albeit one with a dedicated Human typist, who shared his friendship and words of wisdom on a daily basis, and connected hundreds of Twitter-loving pets (and their owners, obviously- dogs have trouble with keyboards). To those of you who don't have a pet, the outpourings of grief that followed the news of his passing may seem silly, trivial even, when there is so much else to feel sad about in the world. But many will understand that the passing on of a beloved pet over the Rainbow Bridge brings as much sorrow as their lives brought joy.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

All apologies

As you may have noticed, no Friday Five, Saturday Six or Sunday Seven. 

'hangs head in shame'

BUT I do have something to offer you blog-hungry monsters... Remember Ben and Cassie? In the club? Want to find out what happened next? Puzzled by the title? Refresh your memory here

Now you're ready...

Thursday 29 November 2012

A Question of Balance

I've got some good news and some bad news. 

First, for all you pessimists and 'glass-half-empty' types, the bad news: Friday Five will be late this week. Life got in the way of blogging (curses!) and my nifty little digest will have to become a Saturday Six. Or even a Sunday Seven (you know my procrastination habits of old).

Now for the good news: Stamp has finished bubbling and now needs to be left to cool before the final edit, soooooo I got busy on my next project. Because I love you, (yes, even you there in your Eeyore pyjamas and matching slippers- I don't judge) I thought I'd let you see it first. I know I spoil you, but you're worth it. Now flip your hair and get reading. 

Friday 23 November 2012

Friday Five- Films that changed my life

Many films settle for the obvious: get some good-looking people, put them in a funny/perilous situation, include some witty banter, a cracking soundtrack and – voila! A box-office hit that will entertain the masses.
 Some films go that extra mile. They blend these successful elements and add a pinch of something special. I don’t know what it is exactly, but I do know that everyone has them- those films that they return to time and time again because of the effect they have. Here are mine.

Friday 16 November 2012

Friday Five- Money-saving Tips

Welcome to my first Friday Five!

We all want our information in short, snappy, easy-to-digest nuggets, so here are my top five tips for saving money. Enjoy.*

Thursday 15 November 2012

Desperately Seeking Tea Bags

Do you ever have those weeks when everything seems to happen at once? Yeah, me too. This week has been one of them.

For once, it's not been the result of a self-induced procrastination crisis: I've just been busy. I love my job- I wouldn't do it if I didn't- but this week I have been suffering from a serious lack of "me time". And tea bags...

Friday 9 November 2012

Pick a part that's new

I've been working on an idea for a story. Like most of my ideas, it was a random conversation that began it and it grew in the retelling. By the time I'd mulled it over (see my previous post on procrastination) and discussed it some more over a potentially-fatal mint Aero Krushem (long story) it was fully-formed and wanting to be born. So far, so good.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Maybe tomorrow...

'stands up'

My name is Louise West and I am a procrastinator.

There, I've said it. Eventually.

It's a habit that I've been living with for years. I inherited it from my Dad, a world-class champion in "getting round to it". Our unofficial family motto is "manana" and I'm considering incorporating it into the family crest, when I get round to it. In a weird way, I'm actually quite proud of my procrastination pedigree.

Saturday 3 November 2012

I heard it through the grapevine..

Like a Good Gossip?

Now, don't get me wrong- I love a bit of Good Gossip. I consider it the oil that greases the wheels of society. How else is someone as socially inept as me supposed to work out other people's motives unless someone tells me (over a glass of wine, by choice, or maybe a good ale) what they've heard they are? A little insider-knowledge arms people like me against embarrassing gaffes and enables me to see "the bigger picture" more clearly, as I believe the popular phrase endorses. Good Gossip is a good thing, as far as I'm concerned.

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Cake for the faithful- part 2


That was me trying to get you in the mood for Halloween. I love Halloween. I love the costumes, the tricks, the treats, the rather marvellous ghost stories...

Which reminds me, now you've mentioned it. My chilling short story Late: a ghostly tale is free this Halloween! Follow the link on the right to go to its Amazon page. Only the faithful know about this special offer- I did promise that there would be cake!

Don't forget to leave a review once you've read (and hopefully enjoyed) my tale of terror. You can also leave me a message here.

Happy hauntings...

Monday 29 October 2012

Cake for the faithful- part 1

Morning! You're looking rather fetching today- very smart.

What's that? You're at work? Sneakily checking out the blog of a rather talented and easy-on-the-eye writer? Don't blame you. I would.

Seeing as you're busy, I'll make this quick (no sniggering at the back! Filth...)

I just popped in to let you know that there's a rather tasty snippet from The Hungry-Man ready for your perusal on my website. Thought you might be interested... Cake for the faithful and all that. Find it on the Teasers tab.

Toodle-pip, sweetie. Enjoy your day.

Sunday 28 October 2012

Live What You Love

Two things happened this weekend that combined to bring me a sweet and perfect moment of clarity, and I felt compelled to share. The first, a message from a friend sharing some sad news. The second, a conversation with a lovely lady at Harvey's agility training today. I never caught her name, but her dog was called Blue (and he is one of handsomest dogs I've ever seen) so I shall call her Blue's Mummy. More on that in a moment. Let me set the scene first.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Friday 26 October 2012

Something wicked this way comes...

Despite a shameful lack of sleep, and an equally shameful "still-in-my-dressing-gown" status, I have been a busy bunny today.

My plans for world domination and scaring the trousers off of people have taken a step forward. I have negotiated the tricky world of techy-geek stuff and presented a humble offering to Amazon. Fingers crossed I can pull it off (the plan, not people's trousers- that's my other secret plan). I'll let you know as soon as a certain spine-chilling short is available to download. Until then, enjoy the sneak peek on my website.

Do feel free to leave a comment telling me how excited you are about this development and, if you love your friends, (or at least want to see them reduced to a quivering wreck by a ghostly tale) be sure to spread the word. There will be cake for the faithful.

Late, but nearly there!

I've just finished the (almost) final edit of "Late". Here's a little preview to keep you amused.

A Brief First Encounter.

Well, here we are. It was a bit of a whirlwind journey but, like most of my decisions, not as sudden as it appears.

I was once described (by a good friend) as a "criminal mastermind"- a synopsis that, once explained, I fully agreed with. I don't make rash decisions. People who don't know me well think I can be impulsive, but everything has always been ticking away quietly for a while. I hope you'll stick around and give me a chance to explain myself. It's late now, and good girls should really be in bed.